Well the holders work and look pretty good for a first attempt. The install was really easy and the counter-sunk screws made a solid bite into the fiberglass. I am pleased with the quality of the installation. The install almost did not happen due to a temp MIN/MAX alarm on the 3D printer. I engineered it with all the safety I could muster! Anyway I replaced a thermistor to get it running again and got lucky on saving the print too! These 3D printers are great but you have to always respect hem!
I did not meet two of my goals with this projects due to flaws in my design approach. Mainly a case of the dumbass - moving to fast and not thinking through all the requirements. Version 2 hopefully can be done in the next few weeks.
The brush and anchor pole are perfect! Here’s a video of them snapping in placr
Mark Ingle
NauticStar 1810 Merc 90