Finger mullet in the creeks?

Haven’t been out in a few weeks but planning on getting out tomorrow and Friday, are you guys seeing finger mullet in decent numbers yet? Thanks in advance for any intel!

you probably figured it out by now, but the FM’s are more baby toe sized than adult finger sized right now. a local charter captain and flounder guru calls them “candy mullet” at this stage, and he fishes the little 1.5" ones on tiny hooks this time of year and does well around heavy structure

there are a few little shrimp showing up in the creeks, but low tide is kind of at the wrong time of day for that right now… and there are peanut menhaden just about everywhere, harder to keep alive but easy to find again if you need to restock, especially when it’s this calm out there. wish I was somewhere other than my desk!

let us know what you found!

Man, I really appreciate the thoughtful reply Barb! I’m wrapping up some work things then heading out later this afternoon. I’ll bring my small mesh net thanks to your advice.

Will report back. Have a great and safe Memorial Day Weekend guys.

I’ve been seeing plenty of mullet around 6" long running the grass edges at high tide

Haven’t been ‘out’, but plenty of mullet in my creek. All sizes in big numbers. always surprises me how far back the big ones come… Starting to see decent shrimp numbers at high tide too.

Fished Friday and Saturday, got on a good trout bite both days. Kept 2 each day and

had a nice cookout with the inlaws Saturday eve. Fished some new waters south of us, fm produced best (but its also my favorite/what I used the most), fished on carolina rig in 3-6’ water. Also caught some ladyfish and a bunch of blue fish, some were pushing 2#.
I hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day weekend…thanks to all those and their families that have served for us.

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Nice looking trout, and grub!!

Thanks for the report!

well done, TennisPro!