Houston we have a problem

So, I took off Monday strictly to go fishing. we took the boat out Sunday with the in-laws and everything ran fine. Matter of fact I mentioned to my BIL that I’ve had zero issues with the motor since I’ve had it.
Anyway, wife backs me down ramp and the tilt/trim not working and won’t try and start. the other panel switches work so i know it is a fuse or loose connection in the motor. I couldn’t find it at the landing so went home, found bad fuse and replaced it. by then though it was like 1pm and i was already tired. I guess at least it didn’t happen on the water. i have no idea why the fuse blew.
A waste of a vacation day :roll_eyes:
O’well, at least i got some yard work done.

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“wife backs me down the ramp” KEEP HER!!!

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Those times can definitely be frustrating! Hope you track down the issue before your next trip…

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Corrosion could certainly be an issue. Disconnecting and cleaning terminals would never hurt anything. Fuses can also fail over time from the road vibration when trailering. It doesn’t happen often, but it does happen.


yea, i’ve replaced fuse a few times and it intermittently blows. i’ve tried pulling apart connectors i see, but i just can’t find the short. i took it to the shop. hopefully they have better luck and doesn’t cost me too much. i guess we’ll see. gotta have the boat though!

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