Still Cold and Windy

Started off freezing and windy, ended up cold and windburned. Full moon high tide flood tide did not disappoint. Slipped up the ICW further north than usual after grabbing some bait. We wanted to fish some creeks we havent been to in several years and I glad we did. First spot and outside bend with some structure produced on the incoming and led to a few nice spottail working bobbers set to around 6-7ft. My bud also got 3 really nice weakfish on cut menhaden c rig style.

Sorry about the pics, salt spray is hell :laughing:

Moved during the tide flip and made our way to another outside bend with structure. This place was ready for us, working slip bobbers up along the grass at 6ft worked as we ended up catching fish from 10 til 1 and left em biting because I had prior engagements. This trip was long overdue. Our last 2 or 3 have been utter disappointments. Water was cloudy and maybe 1ft visibility, 65 degrees and the fish were pumped up and fighting strong. A great time of the year is beginning.


Looks like a fun run Stump! What did you mark there at 48’?

Thanks, it was!


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awesome report!

Good shrimpin too

The Dude certainly abides. I can attest.

Any tips on sonar setup? That looks like a Simrad?