Let’s start with Austin, keepin’ it weird here boss…
This is some stuff from today, around the capital building and grounds. They call this “The Great Walk”. It’s just a loop around the grounds with art and history stuff.
hope you enjoy the pics, if you do please hit the like button and subscribe. All proceeds go to little Ricky and his big sister.
Main mission accomplished., ready to move on down to the gulf of america and check out the worlds longest barrier island.
But before I go let me just say that I realize most of you hey-bo’s wouldn’t know the difference between a Hindu and a Hebrew, even if Ganesha hit you over the head with a gefilte fish, so there’s that.
With that being said, here’s a peek into some cool stuff. Try the chi tea and don’t forget the curry, it’s to die for.
The gulf of america is on one side and the Laguna Madre (the mother of lagoons) on the other.
It’s a lot like the outer banks on the East Coast, only a lot bigger,most places it’s about 2 miles across, best guess. Lots of fresh water ponds on the interior. Big wind today so the water isn’t really green (not far from Mexico) near shore but 100 yards off it’s emerald green. Double edged sword with this wind, no skeeters.
That’s all I got for now, hope you enjoy the pics.
I sure hope you found the time to do some wade fishing for giant trout. You’re in the epicenter. Ernest and son Aaron Cisneros would be my recommendation. Enjoy and safe travels.