Big Bull Slurps Up a Peanut - June 9 - Video


“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Hey Maz, great vid as always. Tough crowd around here.

Keep em coming.

Let the peanuts go tho, IMO.

Hot and humid outside makes for grouchy folks sitting in the AC with the bride wishing they were offshore:sunglasses:!


The only thing that got slurped up on this thread was my time.

Originally posted by DoubleN

Hey Maz, great vid as always. Tough crowd around here.

Keep em coming.

Let the peanuts go tho, IMO.

Hot and humid outside makes for grouchy folks sitting in the AC with the bride wishing they were offshore:sunglasses:!


His videos are always cool, so why be disingenuous? And just because people who know better then call him on it doesn’t make them grouchy. Just sayin’…

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

A proper slurp: