Charleston Woes

OTC, getting close. July of next year will the big 62. May hang in there until March of next year is the plan, as that is when a hopeful raise of at least half of Bidenflation will kick in…

Like Doug, had the place in Beaufort for almost 15 years that we planned to retire to. Thank God we sold when we did.

Could have never been able to live that far away from family with those that are now just over 3 and 14 month old grandsons.

Used the money and bought a piece in the woods and could not be happier. Actually just picked up a lightweight 12’ Sundolphin today and took to land.

The son and DIL will be able to paddle around there with those grands and have a big time. Pretty much what I live and wanna retire for.

It’s plastic but seems durable. The floor has weird ribs in it, but have a plan. SO much quieter than aluminum, which could work well for smacking some ducks as well.

Didn’t mean to get off track of thread, but was also texting back and forth with someone that has not posted here in awhile. His first text was, I gotta get out of here, referring to Charleston.

Wish ya the best,

Good stuff NN. the only time im glad i still live here is when i’m on the water and the landing isn’t a zoo. other than that i’m on the same page with your friend.