Covid Round 2

Again, you should look up occasionally,schitt is literally flying over your head.

You spin like polly, rbf, and gotcha. It doesn’t look good on you either.

Here ya go consider yourself schooled

“Full FDA Approval of a COVID-19 Vaccine: What You Should Know | Johns Hopkins Medicine”

You’ve wasted enough of my time. Happy reading

to throw Gotcha in the mix with Rbf and Polly tells me all I need to know . And you call me crazier than a scat house loon? That man was in a class all of his own and a super good guy, would give you the shirt off his back. I know of No one that could prove him wrong other than one instance between him and skinnij and Gotcha backed down and apologized. I never understood the dislike of the man among your group that used to post here and harass him. Was it because of his strong faith? One thing for sure, He made a big impression on you and many others to still discuss him after a couple of years of not posting here.

So scat is going over my head… don’t be so cryptic. Tell us all what I’m spinning and clarify yourself. I’m really curious what you think I’m spinning. Here’s one for you. The caliber of your replies and attacks and those like you have been a large part of the destruction of this sight.

Life is Good! Even better with a Fried Pork chop… Bone in, battered, a little fat around the edges, and seasoned to perfection.

Just more msnbc propaganda. I was reminded of a herd of sheep when I watched it.HaHa

Jesus, where to start? Lets just take the whole pile of horseschitt you keep piling up in the past few posts and begin separating the straw from the chaff from the actual poo poo.

You said,“So scat is going over my head… don’t be so cryptic. Tell us all what I’m spinning and clarify yourself. I’m really curious what you think I’m spinning. Here’s one for you. The caliber of your replies and attacks and those like you have been a large part of the destruction of this sight.”

So lets start there, OK? I’ll try this time and be less cryptic and use small words so you will understand, but like I said, you waste my time so I’m not drawing any pictures so if there’s something you don’t understand just ask.

You are spinning in this particular instance by avoiding the original premise and subject of what we were talking about. The video was about all the misinformation surrounding covid and all the different opinions. I said it reminded me of this thread and many of you.

Then your initial spinning starts immediately by saying,“Odd? I guess I’m your new mixed nuts… Full FDA approval? Yep in experimental stages. It is still stage one experimental… Prove me wrong. educate yourself. smile”

For whatever reason the entire theme of the video flew over your head and you immediately think I am attacking you or you views. Mixed nuts my big old hairy arse, what does he have to do with anything here? Thats a spin. Then you go on to spew outright nonsense as if it were fact, going so far as to say prove me wrong,which I did with one simple google search. The facts stung you so hard you once again avoided the entire “STAGE ONE EXPERMENTAL” and “Prove Me Wrong” thing and started spinning again. Very Polly and RBF if you ask me, or anyone else paying attention. It’s why it’s darn near impossible to have a reasonable conversation with you Fred. It’s just the way it is…makes me sad really, you seem like a good guy in a lot of wa

Free jabs for the “Legally Distincts”

Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) Tweeted:
This is fraudulent:

  • 8/23/2021 FDA approved Comirnaty vax.

  • 8/24/2021 SecDef issued a mandate because Comirnaty was approved.

  • Comirnaty was never produced by Pfizer.

  • DOD says non-approved vax will be used to satisfy mandate that legally required an approved vax.

C’mirnaty man!

Hey hay! I’m from the guvmint and I’m here to help y’all!

A conspiracy theory is truth serum for a FED :clap:

That looks like breakfast ham not a good fried pork chop… and no I don’t like a 4 oz one, nor a thin sliced one. To each their own.

On the Turnip. You are wrong. They have just started getting “pithy” / “spongy” over the last two weeks and were never bitter or tough. They were planted in an area that we fed 60-100 head of Cattle for the last 6 years. Normally I would agree with you… But no Sir. The best and sweetest Turnips I’ve ever grown or eaten. My dad even told me they would not be fit to eat when I brough him a couple. Probably thought I was crazy as a **** house loon. He changed his mind. They actually tasted like you added sugar to them.

I’ll agree Gotcha is of strong faith, but I still don’t understand all those that disliked him. He was and is a great dude. He also had some very good fishing posts along with his political and off topic threads. Is it really bad to be very strong in your faith? I don’t thinks so EF. I don’t go Bible thumping, I drink, cuss a little, but I do love my Jesus. Lee was just a bit more on the straight an narrow. I almost feel I should tell you sorry he offended you, but I don’t understand what the offence was.

Looking back, it seems that all that attempted to prove him wrong got schooled. Guess some just don’t like to be wrong.

Thanks for the wel

Hey Fred you say you grew turnips where cows were or are cuz we used to plant turnips for cows to eat and I never plan on milking another cow before the science lab man comes to pick me up. :cow2:

What’s up here, lol. Things have gotten saucy.

IMO, have always liked Lee on here, and what he stood for. Something, Imo this country needs more of.

Anyway, have only spoken to him on the phone and have had two boats insured thru his company for years.

I do enjoy what both of you contribute to what’s left here.

Fred, empty the craw. lol.


You know it! If you believe in something never be afraid to voice it and always be willing to listen and admit to wrong doings. I’ll stand up for Lee any day, not that he needs it. Funny after all this time he still makes an impression on some. I’ll also stand up for believing the vax is a joke and the joke is on the American people that believe everything our government and it’s crony agencies spew. People just mad cuz some didn’t drink the Kool aid. :wink::smiley:

Bay on the turnips… We did about 20 acres for a deer plot with turnip, rape, collards, radish, winter peas and what ever else was in the hopper. In a 1/2 acre area where we fed the cows I turned it and rotto tilled it really well. I hand broadcasted the purple top turnips there and also fertilized them heavier than the rest. The deer did not touch the turnip until the first of this month and are now eating the roots. The winter peas have been gone along with the collards. The deer really loved those.

It really is a myth that big turnips are bitter, actually some of the smaller ones were actually spicey Hot and not very good. All about age, temperature, soil type, and weather. This video reminds me of some on here.

That’s always kind of been my problem. Don’t know when to keep my mouth shut. Pretty much if it’s on my mind it’s on my lips. I’ve carried a couple ass whoopins home in my life due to that…
But you know what that still hasn’t changed a (**() thing.
Crank this up at a busy intersection and see some of the looks you get…

You find things offensive. I find things funny. That's why I'm happier than you.

22 life’s a day

You’re one of the fellas I thought of when I posted that video.You and one crazy ass wrench turner.haha Your video was pretty good too,a helluva lot better than that MSNBC horseshit.

S Man I appreciate that I definitely take that as a compliment.

You find things offensive. I find things funny. That's why I'm happier than you.

22 life’s a day

I’ll turn wrenches till the day I die. Let’s go Brandon! suck on dzzzzzzntss

“Uh yeah you could say a hypodermic needle is just a wrench I’m turning in your arm so I’m not a real doctor I’m a government tool!”

“And this jab won’t make you have any oily discharge!”

Can we debate this further?

what about it sea tonic, you willing to admit the vaccine mandate and mask mandate was just a tiny winnie bit over the top ~ and the vaccines told effective rate was b.s.? How about the sources we have today that prove the vaccine has killed many people and harmed even more?

Remember what they did to us