Covid Vaccine, y'all in or out?

No one is pressuring you Fred, if you wait a year or two, then expect nothing to get back to “normal” , for a year or two…simple.


When the illegitimate bosses skip the meetings it just proves it was all panic porn propaganda

from a flip flopping idiot :eyes:


For my peeps that haven’t bought into the covid cult’s fear porn propaganda go spend some money in Tennessee

Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) Tweeted:
The great state of Tennessee was always maskless outside of Nashville.
Now Nashville is maskless as well.

Republican states are free states.

Gov. Bill Lee (@GovBillLee) Tweeted:
Remaining executive actions will address a few lingering economic and regulatory issues. We have never had a statewide mask mandate and I am removing authority from local officials to issue mask requirements.

For the rest of you here’s a new mask you can wear the rest of your life

Carol Roth (@caroljsroth) Tweeted:
Coming soon…

First off, thank you for debating this issue. Hope this last rain did your fields / garden as good as mine. My take is, yes, I do feel like many (including myself) are being pressured to get the vaccine. Our government telling us all that if we do we can go outside with out a mask? Or if we don’t have a vac card we can’t fly with in state? Our government saying that now 2 year olds need to wear a mask!? The entire mask thing is creating a culture of people scared of those not wearing masks. We need facial recognition in everyday human encounters. Look at all the crime that has already gone unsolved from the Summer riots and looting because of face coverings.

I do believe the airline companies are requiring the vaccine card to fly…but when is the last time you flew on an airplane?

Understand your frustration with masks, the quicker everyone gets vaccinated, the mask requirements will go away…simple .

No sir, Even for international travel all you have to do is show a negative PCR test result from 3-5 days before your flight. Airlines aren’t stupid, they have been in a major slump over this whole deal. They don’t want to lose even more business from guvment overreach.

Fishing Nerd

“No bar, no pinball machines, no bowling alleys, just pool… nothing else.”

…well, some fishing too!

That’s great, relay the info over to Fred…he seems to be all worked up over masks etc…

The sooner the majority of our population gets vaccinated, the sooner we return to “normal”…simple.

Wife’s oncologist said she was going to get the shot it should be the Johnson & Johnson. Was scheduled the other week when they close down the Johnson & Johnson. Well they’re back on with the Johnson & Johnson. We went this morning. Turned out to be a big pissing contest because we would not give them our social security number. Got the vaccine with no social security number finally.

One of my guys wife has a beauty salon in Myrtle Beach.
The brown shirts have been to her store 5 times in 3 weeks. Asking if her & her employees have had the vaccine. Told her yesterday. If her and her employees did not get their vaccine they would take their business license.
Nazi S.C.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

22 life’s a day


Nothing is ever simple with government involvement. so I choose not to get vaccinated, should be no big deal to those that are vaccinated. You can’t get it once your vaccinated, let me get it and die. Not that I think it will kill me any more so than the Flu. which, by the way, has seemed to disappear.

ilDonaldoTrumpo (@ilDonaldoTrumpo) Tweeted:

“ RBF, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21


It is prolly best not to keep perpetuating EF’s meltdown episode… It’s liable to cause him more anguish… Rather heartless of you to make fun of him…

I am sure he’s embarrassed by it all… I sure would be…

I have already forgiven him for it…

RBF Repubs Belittle Facts

Drumpf took the vaccine in private… Reality is that if the virus can’t replicate, it can’t mutate… That’s the entire reason for trying to eliminate it as soon as possible… Better to put out a forest fire when it is small than to keep letting it burn… Very simple concept…

What happen to wanting to help others, and our Country… People today in the US are just too selfish, and could careless about anyone other than themselves…

RBF Repubs Belittle Facts

Last time… no one cares if Trump got the jab or not… well except the poor saps with TDS. There is literally no reason to even bring him up in a debate on getting this vaccine. Take a breath dude! Go fishing. Enjoy your life while we still have it. The weather is great outside. Might I suggest some fresh air.:+1:

Fishing Nerd

“No bar, no pinball machines, no bowling alleys, just pool… nothing else.”

…well, some fishing too!

Also, just throwing it out there. On one forum I’m a part of you have to be logged in to read the “Politics” section. Maybe that would save face a little from the shenanigans that have presented themselves in there in the last year or two. Or not. Just saying.

Fishing Nerd

“No bar, no pinball machines, no bowling alleys, just pool… nothing else.”

…well, some fishing too!

Got my second dose two weeks ago. Felt awful the next day. Have heard the same from many others.




I would believe since all the Drumpf Lemmings brag falsely that Drumpf delivered the vaccine, it is relevant that he took it January in private… Could have been a leader and led by example…

No TDS here, never caught it, but did receive the vaccine for it on January 20th…

As far as fishing… I am leaving Saturday for a fishing crawl… Starting on the Murrells Inlet Peninsula, and working our way down the coast… Charters and surf fishing… Might be gone for 4-6 weeks… May end up in the Fla panhandle once we turn the corner… Then, off to Costa Rica for a few weeks…

RBF Repubs Belittle Facts

Haha, EF…

Don’t worry, I take 2 good ones a day, and will have at least wifi connection… I’ll be chatting y’all up while on my throne…

Maybe I can teach you how to actually catch fish…:wink:

RBF Repubs Belittle Facts