quote:contact DNR in Cola,tell them to mail you a list of certified trappers.Find one close to your location,meet them on site,and come up with a plan.Legholds are easy to set,but you still need to watch someone go from start to finish,if you are interested in that route.Something to ponder,because the bastards will return even if trapped out.If you have a decent deer herd,and good turkey numbers along with small game,you will have yotes.They will eventually wipe it all out,or drive it out.
Originally posted by beaufortjayThanks yall for the advice. Just wanna get rid of these darn things. It seems like every year we have more and more. Im hoping to take care of at least one or two this weekend. I may have to learn how to trap if hunting them fails.
211 key west 175 suzuki
Found a dead doe on the property right when we got there on the edge of a pasture. More pics of coyotes on trail camera and none were seen while hunting.
211 key west 175 suzuki
Wile E. Coyote