Friendly health tip

If you follow the BMI - You might live 30 days to 1 month longer. We are talking about managing a disease. When I had my heart attack at 35. at 6’3" I weighed 165 lbs. That kinda throws BMI out the window.

For leg cramps, take a shot of vinegar. I don’t think if it matters if it’s apple cider or regular vinegar. You’ll feel the cramp subside in 2-3 minutes.

Vinegar sucks…cramps suck much, much more. Shot of vinegar and feel better.

“I am constantly amazed at the stupidity of the general public.”
~my dad

2007 Grady White 222 Fisherman / 250 Yamaha
Simrad NSS evo2 and G4
1- 23 boy that won’t move out)
1 - 19 year old (fishing maniac)
1 - wife (The Warden)


Originally posted by natureboy

If you follow the BMI - You might live 30 days to 1 month longer. We are talking about managing a disease. When I had my heart attack at 35. at 6’3" I weighed 165 lbs. That kinda throws BMI out the window.

BMI is a guide, an overweight country doesn’t help with rising health care costs. I specifically said one “may want to consider “ getting on a program , it’s a personal choice, if using the calculator helps one person, I’m good.

And being overweight isn’t the only cause of cardiovascular disease .

I follow the plan from the cardiac rehab at Roper. I’ve been going there over 20 years . My main meats are venison, rabbits & fish, and I especially like duck. All wild. but the rule is 4x fruit & veg vs 1 serving meat.

Originally posted by poly ball
Originally posted by natureboy

If you follow the BMI - You might live 30 days to 1 month longer. We are talking about managing a disease. When I had my heart attack at 35. at 6’3" I weighed 165 lbs. That kinda throws BMI out the window.

BMI is a guide, an overweight country doesn’t help with rising health care costs. I specifically said one “may want to consider “ getting on a program , it’s a personal choice, if using the calculator helps one person, I’m good.

And being overweight isn’t the only cause of cardiovascular disease .

Polly, I’ll agree with you that too many Americans are overweight and way too many are at the point of being Morbidly Obese. Sadly the poorer people are in the majority for the Morbidly obese category. I smoked for a couple of years in the Service, Every Heart Doctor I’ve been too wants to attribute a lot of what going on with me too it. My dad never smoke nor did my Brother. It’s predetermined Genetics in most cases. My Grandparents lived to 96 & 94 smoked cigarettes until they day they died of non-tobacco related issues.

Again, I AGREE with you on too many people being obese in our country.

Natureboy, I was like you at 5-11 152# working 16 hrs 7 days but drinking 1 gal of vodka a week and smoaking 3 packs a day, didn’t see it comeing, I thaght I was an ox. It will only happen to some lazy fat guy. Boy was I wrong!

Booze and ladies keep me right.Along with some Mountain Dew and red man.Nothing can stop me ,I’m all the way up ha ha .

X2 on Claim’s vinegar. I was on simvastatin & got leg cramps so I quit & started the daily 2 tsp. Bragg’s vinegar & now add Ceylon cinnamon, tumeric, cayenne pepper. Pickle juice is also a quick fix for leg cramps. Like Fred when Doc found out I quit the statin he told me to Metamucil up which I have. Try to walk daily & still consume adult beverages. Hope everyone’s ticker gets stronger with every beat & we live until we’re ready to go & be with the Lord. God bless all & best of health!

I have tried all the statten types and have had arm, sholder cramps. Last month they put me on Repatha by injection and it kicked my butt with leg pain during the night, and it has not stopped yet! Don’t know about all these new drugs. Saw a lawyer advertising on TV that if ED drugs gave you melonoma call him, Viagra,Cealice, Levetra gona be a real HARD lawsuit. on a lighter note, I have been on Warfren( rat killer) on and off for years with no problem I know of, but have buddys that are on those new drugs that are knocking there dick in the dirt!