I'll live

Had to send the photo from my old flip phone to my Son! He knew how to change it and Email it to me! How’s that for centimeters skinneej? DF, I’m now in compliance with the rules!

THERE YOU GO! Hey everyone, party up at Easy’s place and, he’s taking us striper fishing. I know Bonzo and 23 are in, will have to see if the Pea can get away.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Great fish, Easy! Glad you are doing well!

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

Originally posted by Easy

Had to send the photo from my old flip phone to my Son! He knew how to change it and Email it to me! How’s that for centimeters skinneej? DF, I’m now in compliance with the rules!

That's definitely larger than Ricky Bobby's 50cm long sheepshead... That being said, I'm concerned about that pile of blood on the deck that you coughed up...

Thanks OFM! I had that trip booked, regardless of what the Surgeon said! I was going! Now, he’s asking for some fillets, cause I sent him the picture! I guess he can have some! I don’t hold much of a grudge, against someone that saved my life! And skinneej! The mate was swinging that Billy Club very wildly and I may have taken a hit or 2! The bleeding from my nose, ears and mouth have subsided, so I guess I’m OK:dizzy_face:

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Easy

Had to send the photo from my old flip phone to my Son! He knew how to change it and Email it to me! How’s that for centimeters skinneej? DF, I’m now in compliance with the rules!

That's definitely larger than Ricky Bobby's 50cm long sheepshead... That being said, I'm concerned about that pile of blood on the deck that you coughed up...

if Easy was as tall as skinneej that fish would be huge…nice work though Easy, really glad to see you up and at 'em…

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Thank’s Bonz! I love you too! :face_with_head_bandage: It was a nice fish!!!

That’s wonderful news from your Dr. Easy, congrats on that one. I’ve always wanted to go striper fishing. What I also enjoy about this post is seeing a picture of you, it’s great to be able to put a face behind one of the icons of the forum. Last week got to see 23,and now yourself. Pretty cool. You look allot like I imagined-a badass.:smiley::smiley:

Forget that 23 guy! He’s just a kiss azz to Bonzo! The Pod, may be fat, but he’s OK! Even fat people, need love:imp: