Just a little bragging...

Great job, did ya’ll make it out to Tx. for the ceremony?

Ditto to all the previous posts from everyone.... except the peeing in pool part.

I’ll add, and Peapod blaming me for hos “unprovoked attack”. How lame.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

DF, while I’ve got you here…

isn’t black biker week coming up shortly? Did you pull that duty again this year?

Originally posted by PeaPod

Bonzo I apologize for that unprovoked attack on your person. DF has me flummoxed on another thread

at this point, only Penny’s forgiveness can save you now…

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

isn't black biker week coming up shortly? Did you pull that duty again this year?

You know, if I didn’t know you better, I’d swear that was on purpose. I was having a pretty good day until you brought that up.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

DF, I know how to make it better and it comes in a box:wink: Hair not included:stuck_out_tongue:

Congratulations to your son and you as well. It takes a lot to dedicate 20 years plus of ones life to doing what others won’t. He will be so happy with the benefits he receives when he decides to call it a career.

A wise man once said “Do as I say not as I do” Good advice when I tell you that.

Originally posted by DFreedom
isn't black biker week coming up shortly? Did you pull that duty again this year?

You know, if I didn’t know you better, I’d swear that was on purpose. I was having a pretty good day until you brought that up.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

so you drew the short straw again?

I have a few acquaintenances up there. they just lock the door and leave for the week.

EVERYTIME I hear something in my back yard I’m afraid I will see Bonzo and capnsandbar swimming in the pool…but then I realize it’s still too cold… :)…and peapod…I will let you and bonzo fight this one out :slight_smile: hahahah
Thanks everyone for the congrats. ,!!!

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

so you drew the short straw again?

I have a few acquaintenances up there. they just lock the door and leave for the week.

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

Unfortunately, my job is Special Operations/events so this makes year 14 for me. If I lived there, I’d either buy everything I needed and hunker down for 4-5 days or lock up and leave. I would not go out in that mess.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

thanks DF. i hope you have an uneventful assignment.

probly me, but I’d like a sep thread with pix, predictoins of largest woman in a thong, best accident whilst doing a wheelie, that kind of thing.

i think it surprises no one that penny & donnie raise a good young man. congrats to him and yall penny

They kind of frown on us taking pics while on duty but, I’ll try to get a couple of “special” ones just for you. My predictions are not good at the present time as far as behavior, etc…

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Make sure you get a picture with you and Snoop Dog, hanging out:smiley:

DF, sorry. not what i meant. you don’t need to take any pix. they do it all on their own…

i followed #blackbikeweek or somethign like that on twitter a year or two ago. pretty lol.

wouldn’t want any on here accusing you of misappropriating state resources :slight_smile: