Just my opinion but the new rules sound like in a couple years recreational fishing will be outlawed

EFs third paragraph is correct.

Decline began when folks started toting hand held GPS units on chartered vessels, IMO.

No, Mixed, we always had a stand by rod with live bait rig ready, a short come up, no matter species , would go right back down, either a grouper or a shark would follow.

I was kidding…

We were out last year, and had a 20#+ ARS come unbuttoned from the descending device, only a few yards from the bote, and was floundering on the surface.

Had a Cobia on another line. Heard a huge splash, and commotion, as a huge shark devoured it in one bite. You could hear the ARS being crushed in the shark’s jaws.

Plenty of giant ARS, fillet and release that thing man.