Legal Advice

Originally posted by allhungup

Pay the seatbelt ticket then No matter what go to court, if the officer fails to show up then your ticket will be dropped. Your choice words after the fact make no difference what-so-ever besides pissing him off. If i were you and you wont apologize you can see how the judge is feeling that day based on the fines he issues and decide whether you feel like paying up. but i personally would plead not guilty, he is a supertrooper as previously said and needs a lesson just like he tried to give to you but your lesson will be dealing with all this but worst case scenario you’ll have to pay the fine. Ask for a jury trial, extend everything you can… To avoid all the cost they will try to offer you a plea bargain and drop the fine considerably. In the mean time you can fill out a request for the Motion Discovery which will give you all case notes and the dash cameras of both officers. Keep in mind they have to prove that you are GUILTY even though it may seem like you dont have a choice. Now my personal opinion, He pulled you out of spite and anger and let his emotions get the best of him, i believe that is one thing our law enforcement should not do. In all honesty you were not the bigger man by honking at him it was completely wrong which is why you were asked your age. On another note neither was he as a grown man and protector of our community should of brushed it off even if he did pull you he could of taught you a better lesson by giving you some rational but choice words.

Hey, lets leave “Trooper” out of this melodrama. I’m sure this is not involving the SCHP.:dizzy_face:

Excuses? I’ve heard them all!

so, since this thread won’t die, I wonder how this guy is gonna make a plea deal when he essentially lambasted the policeman and spilled truth all over this thread (at one point appearing to be complacemently happy about lambasting the officer)? Do we stoop to think that LEOs don’t lurk here? I know, I know… I’m stirring the pot, but just slowly… it’s on simmer.

Grace gives us what we do not deserve… Mercy does not give us what we do deserve. -Charles Stanley

I didn’t read every reply, but I think your problem is your trying to beat this guy in his home arena. Here’s what you do, find out who’s he dating and take her out for a nice steak dinner. Now that’s poking the bear!!

I paid my fines and left the clerk with the the following note and a six pack of sweet sixteen doughnuts.

Dear Officer ********:

Thank you for my valuable lesson. I am a better person for it.

Please accept these sweet sixteen doughnuts as a token of my gratitude.

Happy hunting on the bypass!

Mr. Long


I apologize for likening you to a meter maid.

I felt like this was a good culmination of the views expressed on this thread: rebellion, apology, sarcasm etc. etc.

“Endeavor to Persevere.
Give,Give… Never Take.”

haha i’d probably never drive near this guy’s patrol route every again if i were you.

Originally posted by pescazorro

I paid my fines and left the clerk with the the following note and a six pack of sweet sixteen doughnuts.

Dear Officer ********:

Thank you for my valuable lesson. I am a better person for it.

Please accept these sweet sixteen doughnuts as a token of my gratitude.

Happy hunting on the bypass!

Mr. Long


I apologize for likening you to a meter maid.

I felt like this was a good culmination of the views expressed on this thread: rebellion, apology, sarcasm etc. etc.

“Endeavor to Persevere.
Give,Give… Never Take.”

I think you did ok till you got to this point... IMHO, looks like a parting jab.

Grace gives us what we do not deserve… Mercy does not give us what we do deserve. -Charles Stanley

Phin, Great advice throughout this thread! I would like to say that I wear my seatbelt every day before I move my truck out of park… that being said I have been guilty of the occasional texting while driving… though in my line of work I know how dangerous it is… and wouldn’t fuss at someone, while being hippocrit about it. I have said it here before… and I’ll say it again… a Thank you for taking care of the public goes a long way with LEO, Fire, and EMS personnel… They give a lot of their lives to protect and serve you daily… I’m sure most will shrug that but it’s the truth… now WEAR YOUR SEATBELT! and I’ll stop texting and driving… eating oreo’s… and consuming alcohol (since thouse were all brought up throughout the thread)… also poking the bear is not generally suggested…

“The Wet Dream”
20’ Pioneer 197
150hp Suzuki 4-Stroke

Originally posted by pescazorro


Tinted windows here we come baby!

“Endeavor to Persevere.
Give,Give… Never Take.”

Another good reason for your buddie to pull you over again.
If you have to do it; make sure you have it installed by a professional and it meets all the legal requirements.