Michael Runey

Originally posted by junga

will has swallowed more salt water than most of you guys have seen so he will be fine. On the other hand, striker mike knows what is best for him and his family. When I go out, i hope i do it like bang like he did: i think out of 15 days, he limited out 13 of the. good going mike and best of luck. you know you are welcome on our boat.

He has some big shoes to fill. Looking at it from the surface, Mike limited out 13 of the last 15 days with one of the best dolphin bites we have ever had. Now after a week of NASTY NE winds the new guy has to head out to a green ocean and put 60 fish in the boat that may or may not still be here.

No pressure. :wink:

Behind this helm stands a sickness that not even a women can cure.

Maybe Runey just had enough of the owner…Maybe he wanted more money… Maybe Will is the young up and comer to take over… WGAS!!! Best of luck to both men.