Our gardenias bloomed and were done at least a month and a half ago or longer. Its amazing how far behind us you are.
Fred, Katie planted zenias in her flower garden and they are about to pop right now. Her first time doing this, so we planted in rows not knowing what they would do. I have a feeling she’ll end up planting them like you have them there all over. Do you guys cut them or let them be? How long will they last?
We also planted cone flowers, daisies, asters (I think), and something else. None of those are close to mature yet, but the zenias are starting to look like flowerheads are emerging.
If you keep dead heading them (taking off old flowers) I’ve seen them run spring to fall. Get you a paper sack and pick the prettest of them and save for seed. Crunch them up and add to your sunflower mix. Gives a nice color enhancement.
edit… They keep really well for a vase, I give the Grandkids open rain to pick all they want.