nothing happened! never saw a hatch or heard anybody say anything. I guess it was all March this year.
Sheepshead tourney on saturday saw no fish over 7lbs, and the females had mostly finished spawning. many anglers figured they’d finished at the reefs and headed back inshore.
full moon coming this friday, but I guess it’s just summertime to the animals now. time to hit the blackwater for some redbreast, thursday and friday are looking prime!
coming back from Bluffton Saturday, Steel Bridge, sugar hill, and public landing had a lot of empty trailers at them. Took the scenic drive home. Haven’t heard much on the red breast, but I know some catfish are being caught off bush lines. Should be a good week. Let us know and good luck to ya if ya go.
I went Friday to the Edisto,just upriver from tidal influence.Brought home a dozen keepers,bite was less than stellar.Water level looked to be low enough but I think the water temperature was too low.Good luck.
Like Sman said water temp is down. It was 68 by the tea house last Thursday when four of us tried to find a lost motor. Normally it’s a good bit warmer by now. As for fishing the May full moon, for me, always seems to be better about 3 days before actual full. Today’s your day!!!
Pretty certain it’s your garden variety nereid polychaete epitokes
Chaetognaths are generally much smaller and practically clear, they are slender and look (under a microscope) like they have fins instead of that full bodied bristly look
Now that you are a resident here, get out on the creeks when there is little boat traffic and watch our Dolphins Strand feed. A DNR agent told me all our Dolphin strand feed on the right side wearing down those teeth. I’ve got to witness it a few times, quit an experience.
If you get to know any of the older home grown crabbers in this area, I think everyone has a “pet” dolphin or three. They get to know a specific boat.
Yeah about that, did you see any or did I just miss all them bait fish jumping and in the mouths of them flippers? Didn’t compare to others I’ve witnessed
Didn’t see any fish either, but some looked to be snapping excitedly on their sides, which seemed like strand feeding as mentioned. Maybe the fish were tiny?
I speak dog pretty well, about half fluent in Spanish too… but idkwtf a dolphin is saying