Road Trippin' With EF

Break Time

Smoke 'em if ya got 'em




squid and blue crab are my kriptonite

If you have time this is pretty neat to see

biggest one I have ever seen

It’s not that big bay,just happy to see ya :wink:

:joy: you got me good didn’t ya dag nabbit!

William just gave me the hotline yesterday but said he wouldn’t recommend call or texting on it for a while because your better half just told him something about issues with a boat use on limited occasions

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Man I can’t do the calamari/squid🦑 BAIT.
Cabo San Lucas come back in from fishing. Headed straight to the lunch buffet. Fix me a burger and grabbed a pile of onion rings…
Had me a big old onion ring tossed the whole thing in my mouth.
You can imagine my surprise. Not an onion ring. Fortunately we was outside and there was a trash can not far away.
I have a very strong stomach and never throw up. But I did that time.
The only seafood I like is shrimp, crab and scallops.

Yo Bay,

I was talking with our friend and he told me Mrs. Meggett was coming to his house this week for supper.

Her parents were the last full time occupants of the Point of Pines Cabin. George her youngest boy is an acquaintance of ours as well.

I love me some Edisto, quite possibly my favorite place on earth. There is nothing like the ACE Basin anywhere.

Traveling back towards home today. Hope youse enjoyed the pics.

Your Pal

I enjoyed your pictures. Mrs.Meggett’s son wouldn’t happen to be the George of George and Pink’s would he? We be in good folk company down here and you’re welcome anytime

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Different George

I really liked that pic of the oyster factory. I’ve heard many stories of how our oysters were sent world wide and almost decimated in the 30’s. No doubt the ACE basin is God’s country. I’m to the point in life I enjoy riding the rivers as much as I used to like fishing. I’ll put in at steel bridge and sometimes not have a pole in the boat, ride out to Edisto look around and head back.

wife’s been cookin’ out that book a lot lately. just the chews on the cover are enough to make my stomach start talking.

steamboat used to have the hell out of some crabs for the chicken neckin’, hard not to feel the history under those dirt road oaks down there. hard not to imagine living there in July without a/c or even screened porches too.

good stuff EF, the marine fuel pic blew my mind. might be headed your way next month… now get back in the garden!

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