
Haha I an gonna give it a run

Use a string to follow contours of the antlers and measure what you pull on the string. There is a calculator on Boone and Crockett clubs website along with detailed instructions. Don’t give yourself more credit than you deserve or you will be disappointed if an official measures pulls his/her tape on them and gives you the real score.

08 Bowtech Tribute
11 Bowtech Destroyer
Remington 700 30-06

Alot also depends on the spread. It is hard for me to determine the spread on this deer but it looks like somewhere around 15" to 17" from that picture. That would score him around the high teens or low 120’s.


“Reel Quality Time”
21 Ft. Hydrasport

Take a kid fishing!

I think mid 120’s. Might make the state book if it gets 125.

Nice buck!:smiley:

J Ford

That’s what I am hoping for

Go here and score it yourself. It might not be dead on but it will definitely give you a good idea and it is fun. If you do every deer the same then you will have something to compare all your deer, and your friends deer to. It will be fun. Here’s the site:

let us know what you come up with.
Mr Hardware
PS I’m guessing 129

Thank you sir! Greatly appreciated

What did he score?

I came out at 120 but I rounded down so he might make the book

That’s probably close and it was fun wasn’t it? You can now do it to all the bucks you kill and then print the sheet to keep. It will give you a consistent way to compare bucks from different years from here forward.
Mr Hardware

It sure was, good idea. It will probably be awhile before I see another like that

125-135. That is a really nice buck. If I remember correctly, it takes 125 to make the state record boom. Congratulations!

Sea Pro 2100 CC Bay
150 Mercury Verado

he was scored by a rookie without deductions he is 129 3/8 with right around 125