Something I'll never eat again!

Well the $#!t storm bleeds over into another thread…

Yes sir it does… All I wanted to was warn people to be cautious and not get an upset Tummy. Never meant to stir anything, but unfortunately until something is finally done by admin it will only fester like a dead bloated skunk in the middle of the road.

That is truth Fred. The heckler adds nothing and stirs up trouble. My mission is to get rid of him !

Started out as a good thread.
If people would just not respond and ignore / scroll on by stuff they’re not happy with this would be a whole lot better place.
Oh yeah…Up here in Greenville I smell a skunk almost everyday. Seen a mama and four babies by the dumpster a couple weeks ago. I hear tell they make good pets.

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They do make good pets but they must have sent glands removed. Not legal everywhere

We are getting really close to eliminating the heckler !

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so that’s something you won’t eat again? Looks kind of good… what is it EF?

and on a side note… How do we let two complete freaking aholes shut down a post!!! admin? snickers? just answer me that, please.

I agree…

Bull Crap!

Probably about time to abandon this place when NOTHING is done by admin for a couple of Trolls that do nothing but cause bitterness on a sincere topic. Really amazing or maybe not so amazing if the trolls are admins pets.

Perhaps it’s about “ hits “ or activity. ? Idk

One is close to being flagged enough for some action to be taken. (All sustained flags) And if the other decides to give a crappy response he will go down with his mentor. It’s getting to the point of staying or leaving for the trouble makers. I’m sure they are both pleased that I’m a trusted member!!

Fred,I agree with you on the no meat meat,that stuff is not very good.
I was given some meatless jerky,I tried it,nope not for me, gave the dogs the rest, they smelled it ,turned their heads and walked away from it.

I remember years ago I worked with a couple of vegetarians. We had a work cookout to celebrate some birthdays so there was cake. Half the group (carnivores) ate beef burgers. The other half (vegans) ate veggie burgers. The next day at work, all the vegans said they got sick that night and asked the rest of us if we did. We said NOPE. We laughed and said it must have been those delicious veggie burgers since none of the carnivores got sick. They blamed it on the cake (which we all ate) and to this day refuse to believe it was the veggie burgers.

I like a good boca burger

Veganism is like a religion