
40”red you post some good info but more taxes and a one fish limit?! That’s not the answer. I still believe the root cause in declining spot tails are the pressure the large unkeepable breeders get. I know many do all they can to release and try to keep the fish’s survival I’m mind after the picture, but many of these fish will die or be taken by shark before they fully recover. The true conservatives know this and don’t target them.

Seaskirl, keep in mind that your go to spots may have changed. Our creeks and rivers are constantly changing. :question:.

Originally posted by Pdubbs

I do so enjoy the comments from our God’s Country representative. Bang on stick

~ If they ain’t hating, you ain’t doing something right…

If that’s sarcasm, judging by your signature line, I’m doing something right. If that’s not sarcasm, I’m flattered and I thank you for your support. :wink:

“You don’t always know where you stand till you know that you won’t run away.” ~Slipknot

idk… i keep getting more and more fish every year, just getting better at switching up my game plan. Any legislator that keeps me from putting fish in my freezer is going to meet me personally and get an ear-full.

Capt. Garry Coats
Folly Beach & CHS