Wading for Trout


Hello again Harold,

Sorry it took me so long to reply, but I have worked like a chain gang convict today for darn near the same wages. Because of that I’ll try and keep this short and sweet like a bottle of that fine hogwash, only not as spicy.

The reason I asked about the landing spot when you come to CF is because you, like Off The Chain and many others have stated, had no idea that part of the website existed. I felt like you should be made aware that the posts you put up here in the forums section reach a much wider audience. Just to show how much of a difference just look at the number of hits the “ADMIN-LOOK IN HERE” thread 23Sailfish posted has now. Do you think the 20 or so folks that post here anymore are clicking in those thousands of times?

Not that there is anything at all wrong with that mind you, but here is the rub…for me anyway. I feel like the mule pulling the plow deserves his fair share of the sweet feed at the end of the day. We (but mainly guys like you in particular) put highly sought after content up that is sporting and fishing related. The current admin then copies those pictures and fact filled information you provide, then they transfer it to a slick mobile “money making” section of the website where sponsors pay for “clicks” that the cherry picked information provides. Brilliant really, and like I said there isn’t a single thing wrong with that, but again I feel like those providing the pictures, reports, and content (us mules) should reap at least a smidgeon of the benefits gained by our hard work (some sweet feed at the end of the day if you will).

For the record it’s not a faster forum experience I am shooting for when I posted those links in your reports sections. Its not wanting the ability to post larger pictures, the lack of PM access, nor any of the other ancient idiosyncrasies of this website 23Sailfish and many others complain about. What I want is pretty much is exactly what you want and were talking about in your