I don’t come on very often but certain members stick in my mind because they post quality reports. Redfisher25 is one of them. Who cares if he promotes a reel or product once in a while, that’s not all he’s doing here. He contributes quality reports. It’s easy to bash someone or bust their stones when you hide behind an alias.
I understand that a lot of it is all in good fun but some guys end up taking it a bit far. I’ve taken several of the guys on here out fishing before and had a great time but some just end up being really immature.
Keith McPherson
Welcome to life...
Honesly, don’t think I could have said it better.
I still cry from being called an azzhat and ignorant redneck from members.
Keep up the good work redfisher! Life is good my friend!
“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”