10,000 children,mostly boys


Hundreds of children were sexually abused over a period of at least four decades by priests or religious leaders in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, a statewide investigating grand jury has concluded.
The findings by the grand jury, released Tuesday by the office of state Attorney General Kathleen Kane, detail widespread abuse involving at least 50 priests or religious leaders. The findings reveal a troubling history of diocesan superiors concealing the child abuse as part of an effort to protect the church’s image.


Sickening. Churches need to rewrite and alter their procedures regarding the care of children. This is preventable if common-sense procedures are followed. Parishioners are going to have to demand accountability from priests and other church leaders. Clergy are NOT above being held accountable by their congregants.

Question for my Catholic friends: Does the Catholic church have a board of elders or deacons within each local congregation? If so, why aren’t they demanding more transparency and accountability? This is a problem that has been going on for far too long, and it is a fixable problem.


Nothing to see here. I’m sure they prayed away the pedo demon in his heart.

First, Most, Biggest

This was from the 80’s and a horrific thing. I’d be happy to see the false priests that did this executed. That the Church protected and hid many is 100% wrong and those that did wrong need to be brought to justice and prosecuted.

I can’t argue with you one bit, but I can plead to you (Bollly) don’t hate those that love GOD and do all you can to put all negative posts on religion. In the large scheme of things it really was a very small % for the World’s largest religion of approx 2.2 billion.

I think our fishing and hunting ethic/ideas are close but I favor putting a lot of credit towards GOD and you get mad when I “bash” talk trash about gay folk.

Bottom line in this one I think you are posting this to discredit Religous things and no matter your reason for posting this I can’t hate it enough!! Human scum.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”