Departed out of Stono Inlet at 8:30 this morning. Pelicans and gulls were working something on the beach, but no luck for us with live menhaden. Made 20 mph on the ride out. Usual suspects; big blue/green headed sea bass, red porgy, grunts, sharpenose sharks, an undersize gag, and assorted red snapper. Water temp 68. Saw various flying fish starting at 60 feet. The ride home was…um…kinda sporty. No big towering seas, just a short interval 2-3 foot chop. Tremendous amount of spray. Made 15 mph on the ride home. Went in through Lighthouse Inlet as that made a better ride home. Saw several other mosquito fleet boats out there and several more at the CHS 60.
Sea Hunt 207CC,Yam F150
Carolina Skiff (old school model)17’ Suz D50