Four friends hit the fog-covered waters of the Toogoodoo on 12/27 in search of Mr. Trout and we weren’t disappointed. We caught over 100 trout in four hours and keep twenty legal ones for eating. Bait of the day was a Z-Man grub that resembles a glass minnow with a yellow jig head. Trout Tricks were working, but not as good as last week.
In the afternoon, we tried to catch some reds, but they did not cooperate at all. We found a large school on a flat at low/incoming tide and threw every type of grub and lure we had onboard at them. Tried minnows and frozen shrimp as well. NADA. As the tide rose , they made for deeper holes way back in the creeks.
Great day on the water with some very fine gentlemen!
Happy New Year to all and Be Safe out there, Mike.