11-11-14 Report

I’ve sat five times this year and I’ve seen deer more often than not. Nothing great, lots of does and some spikes. About two weeks ago, I took a doe for the freezer and promised myself I’d only shoot again if I saw a buck. I had the day off today and went to sit early this morning with plans of doing a little maintenance afterwards. Didn’t expect much.

At first light, I scanned the field for any signs, but didn’t see much. I can see probably 300ish yards to the edge of my property. At about 6:45, this buck came strolling out all by him lonesome and proceded to lazily walk across an open field stopping every so often to sniff around. Its probably the longest I’ve had one in the crosshairs, and it was a blast watching him just walk and do what a deer does. At 200ish yards and low light, he looked like a little better deer than what he turned out to be, but a good buck for my place nonetheless. I’ve got a small 50 acre area that we typically don’t do much with other than drop some corn occasionally. A gentle squeeze of the trigger on the 270 and he didn’t take another step.

Weighed in at 139lbs. Certainly not a trophy, but a great hunt that I’ll remember for a long time.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire



" It is what it is".

Bolbie makes us wait a few more years to shoot the small ones.

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

His deer, his rules.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


Quality herd management.

And great report in the regular hunting forum instead of the HUNTING REPORTS section. Please don’t challenge me to a huntoff for pointing this out.

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

I’m not lucky enough to have that much land and money to throw at deer management. I’ve never cared enough really. It’s fun to go ten times a year, more than that and I get bored.

I’ve got family that does QDM, and I could go hunt that 3000 acres if I wanted to, but I like my little piece of woods just fine.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


Great report.

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

I challenge you to a Huntoff!!!

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


As long as you’re happy with it, that’s what counts.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

Last I checked, you can’t eat horns anyway. I think you did a fine job.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

I challenge you to a Huntoff!!!

I don't like being around drunks with guns.

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

I’m as much of a drunk as you are a tournament fisherman…

Alcohol just makes me sleepy in my old age.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


i want my click back

congrats on the buck! he’d be a dead buck on my land too.

Good Job! if that was a good genetic buck he might not have had the horns but he would have had close to the weight.

And to heck with what Fritz said. If he knew anything about QDM I’d be inclined to kiss you backside. I’d say I could match knowledge fact for fact on some shark and spot tail fishing. A good few years ago I could have matched time on the water when he was mastering negative pressure attachment.

Your buck wouldn’t have made QDM, it needed to be culled. Not being mean just truthful. I’d have been super happy with your buck.

Fritz, Bobie is probably covering his ass by making you wait. Mean-while Bolbie is probably taking all the scrub buck and overpopulated Does out because that is what must be done to practice QDM. In a QDM program that brings in outside hunters for favors, business, money and bragging rights you need BIG buck for them to shoot. To do that you either keep all the scrubs from breeding back on a very large land tract, have a large land tract with neighboring land tracts practicing QDM, or import to a pen.

Again good job Sailfish! I love a heavy weight Doe to send to the processors. All the light weight deer usually just get back strapped and hammed by me.

looking again at horns… that beautiful source of protein needed to be taken.

I think the long rigger just went off.

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

Originally posted by CaptFritz

I think the long rigger just went off.

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

Well well… you playing me. :wink::smiley:

Fritz, in all crazzyness, you aint so bad.

Life is good.

A couple of salt blocks during the year, and some winter wheat thrown here and there will make those horns look a lot different. Good looking buck, good shape and coat.

Great looking buck. congrats!

22 mako
200 e-tec

Dear 23…That deer looks awesome in the back of that truck sleeping on the corn pile pillows. I’d have shot that sun of a gun in a heartbeat. Too much silliness re. QDM vs. shooting a deer during deer season. I don’t plan on going into the woods with a film crew and yaking up my sponsors while espousing the ethics of shooting 150 class or better deer. I’ll go 2 or 3 times a season max. That ought to suffice for QDM in my book.

Sol Mate
Mako 20B
225 Optimax