11/3 Lower Keys after work solo mission

MISSION - Dinner.

2:00pm- Boss Man says “You better get out there and catch a fish before it’s dark”

2:05pm - I leave the marina solo but ready to do work on some fish.

2:20-3:00 - chase bait round and round in circles as some Cero Mackerel are chasing them as well. I manage to catch 4 nice spunky Blue Runners and head for the reef line.

3:15 - I tie up to the mooring ball in 50 ft right on the edge of the reef line and drop the chum bags in noticing there is very little current and it’s going almost the exact opposite of the wind.

3:20 - I drop a squid down and pull up a 19" Red Grouper. 1" too (**() short.

5:00 - 6:15 - The current has started moving and the bite picks up. I proceed to catch 8 nice fat yellowtail all but 1 being from 16"-20". They all ate a strip of ballyhoo fillet freelined on a small jighead in the chum slick. I’ve had a blue runner out on a stinger rig under a balloon behind the boat over the reef line the whole time. It has just gotten chased around by a small king but he never got ballsy enough to take a smack at it.

6:30 - A storm front is moving South so I pick up and run back in at 25 kts

6:45 I hurriedly pull into the marina and get the boat and fish cleaned as the sky darkens with clouds.

7:15 - Fryer’s on and hot, fish are battered, curly fries are ready. Into the grease they go!

7:30 -

MISSION - Accomplished.

yella bote
black motor



Fish are too valuable to be caught only once.

Nice thanks for sharing!! Wishing I was down south with ya bro!!! Good luck on your Fishin mission!!!

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