12/30pm firsts

A good friend of mines daughter has been wanting to kill her first deer. They went earlier in the week with no luck and he had to work today and I offered to take her. Got in the stand and not long after heard strick9 shoot across the cutover. A few minutes passed and a doe and 2 yearlings came out to our right. Watched them for a few and the whole herd appeared right in front of us! Told her to pick out a good one and asked her if she was good, she told me she was and that she was going to shoot. The little 243 barked and the deer mule kicked and left with a major issue! A short tracking job later and a 122 lb doe and a happy little girl! Awesome night!

salty, you have a new best friend:smiley:

Gotta love to see the smiles on the littleones faces !!!
great job salty

George McDonald ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Good job young one!