$15 Per Hour Protests.....

I only had two children because that is what we decided we could afford to feed, clothe and live comfortably.

Just one of the many differences between folks like you, me and many others here on CF and all the parasites draining the system. Too many people think they have the right to have children without dealing with the actual responsibilities. I would love to have had another child (my wife wnated a girl) but, looking at the future financial responsibilities made us stop at 2. These “single mothers” have 3, 4 or 5 kids, all by different men of which none provide any kind of support. The women turn to government assistance (taxpayers) to feed, clothe and take care of all of these kids. Through all of these giveaway programs, the government only entices more people to become dependent upon them. If you look to the government for food, shelter, medical care and practically everything else, it is nothing more than modern day slavery, with Uncle Sam being the master.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Originally posted by Apickett

I heard a lady on the news complaining that she could not feed her 5 children based on what she was making. I only had two children because that is what we decided we could afford to feed, clothe and live comfortably. These people need to realize that this is an entry level position job and if they drive the wage to $15/hour there will come an entirely different set of expectations with that job that many of them are not qualified to fulfill and they will be out of a job. These jobs were never designed to raise a family on, much less a family with a single mom and 5 kids. Until the chain of poor decision making is broken…

End goal.

This is an interesting article if you have a couple of minutes.


Originally posted by DFreedom

[quote]If you look to the government for food, shelter, medical care and practically everything else, it is nothing more than modern day slavery, with Uncle Sam being the master.

You have one thing backwards… The only slaves in this equation are the taxpayers. 2 days out of every one of your 5 day work weeks labor\money goes directly to the US government. If you do not pay this money to them, you will go to prison.

Again, slavery or “servitude” describes by the ones that are WORKING. The “masters” are the people living off of this system. They are sitting in their house watching the 60" flat screen and playing XBOX and collecting the government check while the tax payers are slaving in the fields to support them…

If fast food starts paying $15/hr, I can guarantee you most of them will be out of a job very soon. College grads will start applying.

Edisto hits a nail on the head.

Also, fast food costs what it does because that’s what consumers are willing to pay. Consumers have other options. If the cost of fast food goes up, consumers will go to the options and the fast food market will necessarily shrink = fewer jobs.

So, the current low skill/education labor force will be competing with college graduates for fewer jobs. They’ll be $h1t out of luck.

17’ Henry O Hornet
26’ Palmer Scott

I guess these folks want to flip burgers or dunk fries their whole life. I thought jobs like these were entry-level and precursors to bigger and better employment opportunities.
Sad place we are in…where folks expect to be paid $15/hr. for doing something worth less than half that.
Next thing you know they’ll be “disobedient” because unemployment pays considerably less than that now…and they will be on it.

“Never argue with an idiot…he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.”

One thing not mentioned. How many businesses will shut down and move to Mexico or another country if forced to pay $15 an hour. Hello 25% unemployment rate !

Key West 1720 115 HP Johnson Saltwater.

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by DFreedom

[quote]If you look to the government for food, shelter, medical care and practically everything else, it is nothing more than modern day slavery, with Uncle Sam being the master.

You have one thing backwards… The only slaves in this equation are the taxpayers. 2 days out of every one of your 5 day work weeks labor\money goes directly to the US government. If you do not pay this money to them, you will go to prison.

Again, slavery or “servitude” describes by the ones that are WORKING. The “masters” are the people living off of this system. They are sitting in their house watching the 60" flat screen and playing XBOX and collecting the government check while the tax payers are slaving in the fields to support them…

Amen, brother. Preach on…

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

Just another attempt to gain more liberal support for the current ADMIN, like the upcoming elections.

The following is not exactly on topic for the minimum wage debate, but think it is worth telling.

Awhile back, the church the bride and I attend (not enough) had gathered a list of needy people from the Dept of Human Services in Ga. The mission was to give gifts to needy children at Christmas.

I had to work so I could not participate in the delivery. Perhaps that was a good thing??

With this being said, my bride came in the door after the delivery of a couple of new bikes for the kids and many, many toys crying about the nice brick home with new vehicles sitting in the driveway and how this should have went to someone that really needed it!

Just had to share this,

07, 23 Key West, Twin 115 Yammys

“Coastal Bound”


So far the comments about minimum wage have been about the fast food industry. Expand that to all other industries. In construction, a helper is paid the least because he knows the least. That person will be filling the dumpster and carrying material to the skilled workers. That helper is usually very young and in my history, been off from school or just graduated high school. From there the guy says one of two things. “This is not for me.” or “I want to do what they are doing so I’m not digging ditches or doing pure labor.” So, he learns. Boss says, “You’ve made a lot of improvement and initiative, so here is a raise.” Responsibility increases and until you are worth more than what you are doing, you will not make the next level.

A 30 year old flipping burgers has failed at life. That job was meant for kids.

Umm, you gonna eat that?

Thousands have died to save my freedom. Only one has died to save my soul!

If this goes through it also opens a stronger need for Illegal workers that are willing to take less pay to do day labor jobs…

I heard last week that Burger King has bought out a Canadian fast food company and are moving their corporate headquarters from Miami to Ontario.


Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

This is just a big snowball out of control that is building and building and the stupidity is going to get worse. Here’s my theory. Bleeding hearts have taken out the process of natural selction. In the old days the stupid , weak, and theiving people would not make it. Only the strong would survive. Now days the goverment protects the idiots whether it be welfare or 15 dollars minimun wage bs. They make them not only survive but thrive and they keep breeding and the stupidness grows exponentionaly. America the beautiful is turning into America the idiots if things keep going like they are. STUPID PEOPLE QUIT BREEDING!!!


and now some of them have to pay a $200 fine…

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

I heard last week that Burger King has bought out a Canadian fast food company and are moving their corporate headquarters from Miami to Ontario.


Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Wow! I passed by that building all the time... Though I could never find the drive through!!!

That being said, the socialists are going to say that Burger King’s move to Canada is “Un-American”, but only socialists think that corporations are here to pay for everything else. I have been the underdog in many unpopular debates in which I claim that this is about the most American thing you can do.

Americans stand up for themselves and do not let a government oppress them.

Don’t get me wrong, I am all for corporate taxes. This country was originally funded from corporate taxes way before personal income tax came to be. But, they should be at a level that is competitive with the rest of the world, not at a level which allows us to keep expanding socialist spending. We should set corporate taxes at a competitive level, and then live within our means as a federal government.

Originally posted by skinneej

Wow! I passed by that building all the time… Though I could never find the drive through!!!

That being said, the socialists are going to say that Burger King’s move to Canada is “Un-American”, but only socialists think that corporations are here to pay for everything else.

Yep. Even more, the claim that it is un-“American” is hugely ironic as Burger King is owned by a Brazilian investment group. It is not a US company.

17’ Henry O Hornet
26’ Palmer Scott

Originally posted by PalmerScott
Originally posted by skinneej

Wow! I passed by that building all the time… Though I could never find the drive through!!!

That being said, the socialists are going to say that Burger King’s move to Canada is “Un-American”, but only socialists think that corporations are here to pay for everything else.

Yep. Even more, the claim that it is un-“American” is hugely ironic as Burger King is owned by a Brazilian investment group. It is not a US company.

17’ Henry O Hornet
26’ Palmer Scott

That's a recent development though. BK is definitely an American classic. They were failing, taken private by a Brazilian investment company only a few years ago actually, had a makeover, and now publicly traded again.

“But, they should be at a level that is competitive with the rest of the world, not at a level which allows us to keep expanding socialist spending.”

Isn’t the difference in CAN and USA corp tax only 1%? I wouldnit say we were way off the mark in that comparison. I realize 1% is quite a bit of money on that scale.

Originally posted by Mac509

“But, they should be at a level that is competitive with the rest of the world, not at a level which allows us to keep expanding socialist spending.”

Isn’t the difference in CAN and USA corp tax only 1%? I wouldnit say we were way off the mark in that comparison. I realize 1% is quite a bit of money on that scale.


“The nominal corporate tax rate in the U.S., which combines national, state, and city-level tax rates, is nearly 40 percent?the highest across all 34 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) member countries. Canada’s, by comparison, is just over 26 percent.”