2/18 Quick Report

Sorry no picture.

Water temps 56 inshore, 58 at 65 feet and 64 at 100 feet. Big temperature difference. Nearshore temps still a way to go until Spanish and bluefish show up. The coming cold snap won’t help.

Seas 3ish out 4ish back, not too bad.

Shakedown cruise on new, to me, boat and fished different numbers than mine since I goofed on mark transfer. A bit of hunting around. Minimal fish at 100 feet, hit the good fishing at 85.

First time I ever used the ClearView sonar on a Garmin machine. Pretty darned awesome for bottom fishing.

No surprise to anyone who bottom fishes offshore but caught many of the famously endangered American Red Snapper. Had to move off them.

Caught some of the usual suspects but no BSB, Vermillion or triggers. As often in the winter, lots of Atlantic Sharpnose sharks - wish I liked eating them better. Did catch one false albacore as well at 100 ft.

The jigs probably outfished the squid except on ARS. The ARS don’t seem to like the jigs as well.

Hope to get out again next week, will try to remember pictures.

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Thanks for the report, and nice to see you back at it!!

Hey, that still fun time! Thanks for the report👌