2 reports but one isn’t what you expect

Sooooo since it’s a fishing topic I’ll start with my wife’s flounder of the day. We couldn’t get much live bait and lost a few but she brought home dinner at 18”
Cooper river on finger mullet.

Now for the best report ever!!
I got my first hole in one yesterday at legend oaks #17 248 yard 7 iron!

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Way to go!!


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Congrats on the hole in one!

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Congrats on both!

I know dat spot

Congrats on both! Guessing that was a 148 yd , 7 iron?

Yes I Definately messed that up. 148 yds.

the only liars worser than fishermen are golfers

TugTed hits his 7 iron 220. he knocks down a lob wedge less into a stiff wind on #17 at Patriots Point.
