Having Water Pump issue , install New Pump ,checked Key in Impeller , insured Water Pick up Tube was Properly connected top and bottom . Not getting any Water . I suspect upper Water pick up Tube Seal blockage ?
I removed Power Head there is no access from top side .Seal is installed in Mid Section bottom side .Only access that I can see is through the Exhaust Housing . How can I check or replace the Upper Seal ?
Did you figure it out oger? Was the pump replaced due to overheating or just PM?Here are a couple of things I do if I have WP problems.(1) Put a drill on input shaft to foot and submerge it ,this will tell you if you are actually pumping water.(2) Make a test rig so that you can put your water hose on the inlet of the cooling system,this will let you know if all passages are clear.I would check all the small tubing on the water jacket first.Seems like you could see that seal you are talking about from the bottom side with a good light.Did everything go back together without forcing anything?Might as well remove your T-stat and make sure there is not any trash around it while you’re in there.Happy troubleshooting:smiley: