Yesterday while out on the water, the alarm buzzer started going off. The alarm was continuous, not beeping and none of the lights were flashing. Checked the oil, it was fine. Checked the pisser, it was not overheating. Reset the oil change reminder, the alarm still went off. The alarm would sound even if the motor wasn’t running. The motor ran fine otherwise, went above 3k without a problem. This morning I went out and turned the key to the on position, not running and the alarm went off. I’ve done some online research and the problem seems to be electrical. I’ve checked the wiring at the ignition switch and nothing seems chafed. So I have two questions:
Am I on the right track that it’s electrical since it went off after the initial start up beeps and lights? I turned the key to the on position, not running, on a cold motor and the alarm is continuous and not beeping and no lights are flashing.
If it is electrical, what is the most likely place to start looking? The motor runs fine otherwise so I don’t think it’s the computer but it may be. My guess is the ignition switch but I’m not sure.
Thanks for any input and advice.