2014 Charity Oyster Roast BEYOND successful!!

What an incredible night! We raised monies WAY beyond our expectations and had a fantastic time doing it!

We wrote the Happy Gilmore check for $4957, but since then that number has grown even more!

$5432!!!</font id=“size5”>

2011 - $1300
2012 - $2200
2013 - $3100
2014 - $5432!

And what a perfect year for such an amazing total! Usually DCC has a corporate partner who does a toy drive for them. Our monies supplement that, so that if a child asks Santa for something DCC doesn’t have, they can make that child’s wish come true.

This year they weren’t able to find a business partner. So the need is greater than ever, and our check is larger than ever!

Thanks to all involved for making this amazing holiday tradition come true!

Dr. Kay Phillips INSISTING Megan is only taller because of her heels! LOL!

You should see these two on a boat! :lol: :roll:


(**()ing evidence

VERY special tha

Final tally $5569! Santa Claus IS coming to town!

“Every saint has a past, every sinner a future”
2011 Carolina Skiff 178DLV
90 HP Honda