I’ve compiled a log book for the past decade of every sit and every deer I’ve killed. History does repeat itself in the woods.
That’s pretty cool. I’ve never recorded anything but a few pictures from time to time.
I remember going to an offshore seminar at Hanckel’s and the Captain that was giving the info had several note pads with 25 years of recorded fishing trips. Tides, weather, species kept and released, moon phase, what they ate for lunch… etc.
I can really appreciate those that do keep detailed records, it does show repeat patterns and I can see it giving an edge on hunting or fishing. My fishing and hunting are sporadic to say the least and if I go it’s not planed on anything but tide, daylight, and time available.
I’ve still got a couple of CFC stickers from that seminar, learned a few good tips on rigging Ballyhoo.
I was in North Carolina yesterday and watched 2 bucks bed in the middle of my field in the exact spot where my son ran over a turkey on her nest a few month ago. Then watched a buck swim across the river. I still have not seen any rutting activity in North or South Carolina.
Hunting, fishing, and poker are my sports. Work when necessary.
I heard an SCDNR Biologist say, “their studies show that 80% of Does in South Carolina are bred between Oct. 16 and Nov. 10, on a year to year basis”. Not sure if they’re using a fetal scale, but I haven’t seen them removing jaw bones, to age the Deer, in a long time either?
When I took a deer to the processor here in Florence they were cutting out the jaw and I asked about it and they have a contract with DNR said they get $5 for every jaw bone they turn in. Easily had 100 jaw bones tagged in their boxes.
One of the ten commandments posted by a self admitted atheist! A bit hypocritical, don’t you think?
God cares more about honest Atheists than hateful Christians.
After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.
Ok mr Fritz, what was dishonest. On that you are wrong, All Christians sin Fritz and God will forgive all sin if sincere. The one sin mention that you good Friend Bolbie has openly written several times is arguably the only unforgivable sin (unless repented for) whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin…
It’s all good Fritz. I still think away from the internet you aint so bad. Believe it or not I sent you some chartering business. Don’t really know many guides and I figured you’d show em a good time. They were happy. I’m not a hateful person, just set in my ways. You should go to the cleaning shed with Polly and measure some fetuses.