quote:Skinnee didn't say that they open carry to make people feel safe. He said that marked cars make people feel safe... In other words, if you see cops driving around your neighborhood, you feel like they are watching over things.
Originally posted by PhinGuess I should have said
“EXCLUSIVELY conceal carry”
An open carry commands respect from those who don’t have a gun themselves. Yes or no?
Or is LE open carrying merely as SkinneeJ said for marked cars, “to make people feel safe?”
Luke 8:22-25
Why would a cop exclusively conceal his weapon if he is already wearing a uniform? The uniform already gives up the element of surprise. The uniform already tells someone “I probably have a gun, approach me with caution”.
I don’t think an open carry demands respect - depending on what the attackers motives are. If they are a purse snatcher, then yes, they probably wouldn’t mess with you. But if they are murderous scumbags looking for a new weapon, I think you put your life in danger depending on the environment.
In my mind, if I am a 25 year old, 270 lb criminal and I see a 65 year old 130 lb man (or woman) carrying a pistol, I know that if I want it, I can take it. My strategy would be to play it cool, act like nothing is wrong, and then when I got in attack distance, be up on them and knock them to the ground before they knew what hit them. I would think that if a criminal thought you were unarmed, his natural tendency (false confidence) could play into your favor and open up opportunities for defense that wouldn’t be present if they blind sided you.
Do you think if you open carried through this neighborhood, you would “command respect”?
I bet you w