I am borrowing my buddies Stayput pole for the up coming Florida trip and I decided to design a mount for my boat. Having this capability to avoid putting more holes in the boat is awesome!
These mounts will be placed under the current bimini mounts on top of the gunnel
Mark Ingle
NauticStar 1810 Merc 90
I like this idea! Let me know if you plan to make a few extra. No holes to drill, mount on side like a push pole. Consider me interested.
im not to sure, but im pretty sure…
Well…you gotta use the holes already there from a cleat, bimini mount, etc…get me a measured sketch of your gunnel contour and the spacing of the holes and I will design something to consider. You will need a contour gauge and pair of digital calipers to pull this off over the internet. My email is markandcandyingle@gmail.com
Mark Ingle
NauticStar 1810 Merc 90
Making some progress. I want to insert the pole from the inside so that I can trailer it without the risk of it falling of the boat. This approach will restrain the pole during my trek down I20!!!
There isn’t enough clearance due to the bimini mount so I gotta move clamp section over about 1cm. I want it to be a tight fit.
Mark Ingle
NauticStar 1810 Merc 90
Ready for the production run!
Mark Ingle
NauticStar 1810 Merc 90