5/18 - Saturday Fishing Report

My parents live in Pawleys and I visit frequently and usually fish Winyah. We are no where near experts, but are working at it.

We took the boat down the intercoastal to the end of the north jetties on Saturday and got there at high tide. Caught a couple of black sea bass and a shark every couple of minutes. We pulled back to the small cluster of islands upriver from the lighthouse. We didn’t catch anything there but saw another boat pull in an over-slot redfish.

I think our main problem has been bait. The finger mullet and mud minnows we catch on the island die by the time we get them in the livewell and make the trip down the intercoastal. We were fishing with cut mullet and some fidler crabs on Saturday. Where is a decently reliable place to throw the cast net? Any help would be very appreciated.

You need a better way to transport bait. You should be able to keep bait alive from PI to Gtown.

Try a Bubbler that works on batteries…PI Outdoors has them. Will keep bait in a 5 gal . bucket live and looking good for mudders and minnows…

I’m tired of being told that I have to “spread the wealth” to people who don’t have my work ethic. I’m tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it. I think I’m going fishing…!!