5-21 Incoming tide

There seems to be a few people with issues about locations, so I launched about 7 am at TOP SECRET LOCATION X. :wink: Within a few minutes I saw yakn4reds paddling in my direction as he’d hit the water early to fish the falling tide before sunrise.

We chatted a bit and laid out a plan to go prospecting the incoming tide. bait of the day was a combination. We mixed and matched between soft plastics on jig heads and flutter hooks and mud minnows on a flutter hook or under a popping cork.

Fish were cooperative and I think we caught fish on everything we threw. Grassy points next to structure and points at creek mouths were the ticket.

Caught a small flounder

Lost a 20 incher at boatside :face_with_head_bandage: then went - for 5 on flounder bites after that.

Then we got into slot reds and bailed a bunch of slotties… All released to fight another day.

A little later y4r and I doubled up. I heard the drag squeal on his light rod, looked back to see how he was doing and about that time a nice over slot fish slammed my rig.

My 26 and change

y4r’s 30 ish inch red.

We saw a couple of guys in a powerboat fishing the same area, so hopefully they won’t read this and give away the secret spot. :clown_face:

Who’s Ready for a Sleigh Ride? www.KayahFishSC.com

good times brother!!!

14’McKee 75Merc 2stroke

Nice report! Great pics!
I can’t wait to get a kayak!!! I’m on the hunt!