5/21 Report. Missing dolphin found.

We did well Sunday. Lines in at 7 in 250’. Boated one in the first 10 min, thought it was going to be an easy day. Worked a great weed line for miles but caught nothing so we went farther out. In 500’ we found a sweet 2-3 degree break and started to work it. Awesome blue/green color change. Not many weeds but lots of scattered trash in about a half mile area. Dolphin were busting the surface around just about any sizeable piece of garbage. We stuck to working a pallet for the next two hours and had doubles, triples, and quads. Our three man crew worked hard to put lines back in over and over. In hindsight we should have just pitched to them

-Only boxed 10 before it was time to go home.
-had 1 jump out of the boat before we could put it in the box. He found the transom door. Doh!!
-lost 3 at the boat
-ok size to them, most 10-15.
-lost several more due to unattended rods…not enough guys to reel in fish

Not one single boat in our area except:

There was a light blue single engine Sea Hunt that trolled past us while we were gaffing fish…just kept going. He had to have seen us catching, and he wasn’t. Who ever you were, you’re welcome to work the same area as we were. Fishing should be fun for everyone.

Great day. Ride out was a little bumpy, ride in was nice. Hope everyone else did well.