5 TLD 25 Combo's Rod/Reel with HiVis Line

comes with 2 spools of extra line, not sure how much is left on the spools, but should be able to reline a few reels.
Asking $1,100.00


21 scout w/150 yam 4str
16’ Alum. w/40 yam


21 scout w/150 yam 4str
16’ Alum. w/40 yam

I’d be all over these if they had white braid. GLWS

Key West 2300 Bluewater

make me an offer! Thanks!

21 scout w/150 yam 4str
16’ Alum. w/40 yam

are they still available

Yes Still available.
Will split up if needed.

21 scout w/150 yam 4str

Send me a contact number and we’ll talk

Check PM.

21 scout w/150 yam 4str