Picked up a couple dozen menhaden north end of Morris on the way out to 90ft. Buoyweather’s forecast was something like SSW winds 5-10kts a.m. 2@7sec, similar for the afternoon. Averaged about 25mph on the way out.
Set the drift over a sparsely structured bottom, and within 15 seconds of first cast on a butterfly jig by a 10yr old first-timer he complains he’s stuck. Yes, stuck in the lip of this 21lb scamp. Fish of the day. Besides that, a trigger and snapper(?) were it. And another helium balloon. Didn’t even rig any live bait until stopping at the 60 on the return, and the cuda, nor anything else, had any interest.
Much better returning around noon averaging 33mph.
Can’t load pics…and they’re not too large. All well under the size limit. Ah well…
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