79 years ago

79 years ago some of the baddest motherF@#*$to walk this Earth invaded Normandy. 2501 did not come home. Over 5,000 were wounded.

Why am I not seeing any of this on the news this morning.


I heard about the anniversary this morning on Talk Radio.

They mentioned some 4,000 were killed there?

I wonder if we could pull off something so incredible today?

Check out the third MAN back in the middle row.

Pretty scary question…
15 and 16 year olds forging birth certificates.

I think the $2,5001 Kia was the first day.

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Approx 2500 on the first day, 1000 at Omaha during Overlord.

Bedford,Va lost 19 on June 6, 4 more during the Normandy Campaign

My opinion on no news reports is the swamp wants to DEFUND military, not encourage it!!!

HOWEVER, they do encourage FALSE TALK of war(ala Ukraine spending), in order to receive funds for war, then spend those funds on PERSONAL and campaign uses.

Using a seasoned military, perhaps. But not the youth of today from a draft. Maybe hand picked?

Those are babies!! A lot probably never got their first kiss. Like OTC said, they were some bad motherlovers.