8/15 AM

Saw a bunch of turkeys.
A coon walked up to my blind.
A doe and 2 fawns came out about 8 AM and stayed and ate corn for 45 minutes.
At one point something got the doe’s attention. She did not move a muscle for over 10 minutes.
I had corn; acorn rage; sweetmeat mix, and apple mix. I put them in different piles to see what the deer preferred. Very interesting.
They exclusively ate the corn.
Checked a couple of the water holes left that actually have water and tracks all over them. Will hunt water hole tonight.

Good luck, my morning was about as entertaining. Watched two does for twenty minutes before they moved on. Nothing after 715.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


That is how it goes this time of year. It won’t be long before the velvet is off their antlers, and they will stop being nice to each other. Then, their one eyed solider will take over their brains. After the one eyed soldier takes over, you just have to be in the stand to take one out. Until then, it is hot, and they are lazy. And, yes. There is no product on the planet that brings deer as good as corn (generally speaking). They will walk right by all the other stuff, and go straight to the tried and true golden kernel.

2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101