8/16 Report: Flounder & Reds

First 3 hours of rising tide this evening.
Wind SW10mph. Water Temp: 83F.
Creeks full of mullet. Filled bait buckets with 2 casts of net.
Fished mullet on jig heads working edge of deep channels.
Wife caught two flounder with largest at 22in that got in current and fought like a redfish. Was shocked it was a flatty when it came to the boat. Kept for dinner tomorrow night.

Then we started catch reds. Two Red Drum were over 30" and were released healthy after long battles on light tackle. A third Red at 20" was also kept.
We left them biting at sunset and stopped at Ian’s Bar & Grill for cold beer and dinner.

We’ve been on some high priced charters in Indian Lagoon, FL but my wife proclaimed this the best day of fishing she’s ever had. Another rewarding day on the water.

16’ High Tide Flats (Green) w/Yamaha 90
Wilderness Ride 135
Wilderness Tarpon 120

Niceee fish, good day on the water, Congrats to you and wife!!!:smiley::smiley:


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

good fish, and nice hat! class of 91

i’m i charleston and don’t peruse this forum. my loss. your reports are great, thankyou

“I am not involved in this thread, only helping Fred understand who he is dealing with.”

Thanks PeaPod, not enough people do post in this section. I’ve recently started learning this area and have found little info. At first, I felt I was fishing in the dead sea, and it’s easy to think that the techniques I’m reading about in Chucktown just don’t work here. But there’s a lot of water to be explored and enjoyed between LR and Shallotte Inlet. Point of my posts is 3 fold: to share my excitement in finding some good fish in this fishery, encourage others to share some information, and to keep a record of success for future trips.

16’ High Tide Flats (Green) w/Yamaha 90
Wilderness Ride 135
Wilderness Tarpon 120

I used to post here all the time when I lived there and fished it used to be only me and goozeman posting. best advice I can give anyone for fishing that area is Vudu shrimp you will kill it