8/2 nite report

Finally able to get back on the water for only the second time this summer due to change in my work scedule.First time out about three weeks ago was a horrible. I could not find the fish anywhere.

Last nite got on the water around 7:30pm. After reading some of the post on here. I tried some humps and underwater points and was able to find some pretty good schools of fish. Had two in the boat before dark. Shortly after dark was able to land 7 more rather fast. Then came the wind… After that it was like some turned off the switch. Nothing but just a few nibbles before leaving at around 1am. Five of the fish were in the 21- 23" range and the rest were shorts.

On a seperate note/ I was reading another post on keeping bait alive and noticed that mine did not live long as well. Maybe 10 min max. Got lines down asap. Still dying.Next time will try some of the ideas I read on here.

It was great to get back on the water and able to catch a good mess of fish. Thanks to all of you for all of your post that allow a fellow like me to be able to come out and have some kind of idea of where and how the fish are biteing.

Sorry fot the long post. Mike