8 months of fishing in USVI photo dump

Does this mean, no more Yes Bay:question:

Good stuff, Rap. And you’ve undoubtedly forgotten more about fishing in the last hour than I’ll ever know, but I got a pro tip for ya’: you’ll catch more and bigger fish if you grow the beard back out…:wink:

And aren’t you holding a YFT in one of the pictures?

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

Hey people, whatever happened to white rods?

Originally posted by kudukid

Hey people, whatever happened to white rods?

It was decided that they were “too racist” so in order to be more inclusive and compassionate, people were encouraged to buy other colors

I still have one! Just lost some of it’s flexibility, over time:wink:

I see now - not enough diversity.
Except for the old brown ■■■■■■■ blanks almost all of those 70’s and 80s rods were on white blanks and the colored wrappings really stood out.

Nearly all were made in America; whereas now they are mostly Chinese and black. Custom rods made here are still available but costly (and black).

I wonder how a fiberglass blank would lose flexibility…I’ve got a bunch from ■■■■■■■, Penn (Tuna Stick), Sea Striker and some custom jobs that all work like when they were new.