Boat Ramp Pet Peeves

I think we’ve had some discussions about crazy boat ramp stories, I even have my own, but what is your absolute peeves? I hate to complain too much and usually don’t, but there are 2 things that drive me crazy.

  1. people parking cars with no trailer in a trailer parking spot. I feel like there should at least be signs at the entrance of the boat landing.
  2. people fishing off the dock when its busy and when dropping off the person getting the truck, they look at you weird like your at fault.

Same as your AND, people putting stuff on their boat/making ready on the ramp or unloading while on the ramp.

Also jet skiers acting like fools around the landing area. GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.

Don’t forget people leaving their headlights on when backing down the ramps in the dark and blinding everyone else trying to launch beside them.

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Recreational Kayakers are the best…and i don’t mean ANY of those individuals that fish off one. Jetskiers are next, followed by the young guns in daddy’s money lifted trucks running LED’s at dark backing the boat off with headlights on. I confront everyone of them no matter the age…somebody needs to do the educating and I love to teach the uneducated!!! The rest is just part of the public ramp circus. Use to it years ago but come summertime i like to come in at the end of the day just to watch it unfold

I lived in Ft. Lickerdale for five years. Some of us from work would get together on Saturday afternoons with beach chairs, boom box and coolers. We would head to a shady spot by the large Broward county boat ramp. It would a circus to behold each time we went!

Not sure what happened to my picture of all 3 lanes with headlights on one morning… was before the software switch so I donno… anyway,youll have to get the picture without the picture.

I love being on the water. I completely understand others wanting to join the fun and encourage people to get a boat and get on the water. The problem is that 99% newbs are genuine A55holes if you try to give them any friendly advice. I don’t think I’ve ever come close to getting in a fight as an adult (40+ yrs) anywhere but at a boat ramp. And, only there when I’ve tried to very gently and respectfully make a suggestion = help. I don’t even catch ropes for people anymore.

Peeve - captains arriving back at ramp pulling inside docks (in the ramp lanes) and tying off… then, invariably unloading everything and carrying it to the vehicle before pulling the boat out… while a dozen other boats wait.